Jennifer Moisant
Balfour Emonet Law Firm, LLC
BRBA: Tell us about your education.
I attended high school at Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans. Thereafter I attended University of New Orleans for undergrad. In 2000, I moved to Baton Rouge to attend Southern University Law Center.
BRBA: Where are you from?
I am originally from New Orleans. I’ve been in Baton Rouge for 19 years now. I’ve grown to love Baton Rouge, but I’m glad I have the opportunity to live and practice so close to New Orleans where most of my family lives.
BRBA: Where and what type of law do you practice?
I have practiced personal injury on both the Plaintiff and Defense side, and Family Law. My practice has consisted of mostly family for the last few years.
BRBA: Why did you want to become an attorney?
It’s something I always dreamed of. I’m honestly not sure where it came from. I was lucky enough to have a friend remind me of that dream at just the right time for me to make it happen.
BRBA: If you were not practicing law, what would be your alternate profession?
I think if I wasn’t practicing law I’d be in the service industry again. I did it for 10 years prior to becoming a lawyer and I think I’d go back to it if I wasn’t practicing law.
BRBA: What is one thing you wish you would have known before you went to law school?
I wish I would’ve known how much I could use a degree in psychiatry in dealing with clients. The “Counselor” part of the practice is more involved than I had imagined.
BRBA: Are you involved with the BRBA? If so, how?
Yes, I have held every office with FLS and am currently a Member at Large of the BRBA Board.
BRBA: What motivated you to become involved with the BRBA?
I became involved in the last few years with BRBA, in an effort to help my colleagues in family law be heard. I’ve stayed involved because I really enjoy the other active BRBA members. It’s good to associate with attorneys outside of your field. Everyone has something to contribute to my practice.
BRBA: What is your favorite BRBA activity or event?
I enjoy the luncheons, but I’m really looking forward to the 90th Anniversary Party this August!
BRBA: Are you involved with any other organizations or causes?
I am currently the Treasurer for Council on Aging. For the past 2 years I’ve been their chairperson. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Seniors. They keep me young! I also have a few more volunteer projects in the works, which I hope to be able to announce in the near future.
BRBA: What is the best piece of advice you have received?
I’ve received lots of great advice over the years. Quite a bit of which came from my mentor, E. Wade Shows. I can still hear him in my ear sometimes, guiding me. I know he is missed throughout the BRBA.
BRBA: What are your leisure activities?
I like to walk / run, I like listening to crime podcasts and I love a wine dinner (does that count?).
BRBA: What is the last book that you read?
Gosh, I don’t recall the last book I read. I am currently reading, All’s Fair: Love, War and Running for President by Mary Matalin and James Carville. So interesting to see how each side maneuvered during the Clinton campaign.
BRBA: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I ran for student council president in high school. Had to give a speech in front of the whole school. I LOST. I remind myself of that whenever I’m fearful. That didn’t kill me and neither will sticking my neck out in pursuit of a new challenge or goal.
If you would like to contact Jennifer, her email address is
For more information or to comment on this this Member Spotlight feature, contact Landon Hester at or 225-214-556