Jacob A. Altmyer
Wray & Associates
BRBA: Tell us about your education.
I graduated from LSU in 2012 with a B.S. in Marketing.Following undergrad, I received my J.D. from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at LSU in 2015.
BRBA: Where are you from?
I am from New Orleans, Louisiana, and lived there until I started college at LSU in 2008.
BRBA: Where and what type of law do you practice?
I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to travel and practice all over the state of Louisiana.Primarily, our firm (Wray & Associates) concentrates on public and private works construction law matters, contract disputes, and other civil litigation.
BRBA: Why did you want to become an attorney?
I have a few family members in north Louisiana that inspired me to make that decision.Growing up, I viewed practicing law as a fulfilling career; and, so far, that’s proven true.
BRBA: If you were not practicing law, what would be your alternate profession?
In my mind, my degree in marketing was always a stepping stone to law school; so I can’t say with certainty that I would be working in the marketing arena, if I hadn’t gone.With that said, I think I would enjoy something with an element of design, possibly architecture.
BRBA: What is one thing you wish you would have known before you went to law school?
Before going to law school, I wish I would have known that the way I think about and approach even the smallest things in life would forever change.
BRBA: Are you involved with the BRBA? If so, how?
I’ve been to a few BRBA CLE courses, along with a select few BRBA events, all of which have been great. I’ve also used the BRBA facilities for depositions, mediations, etc.
BRBA: What motivated you to become involved with the BRBA?
My firm encouraged me to join when I first started practicing.
BRBA: What is your favorite BRBA activity or event?
I’ve been to two BRBA Bench Bar Conferences, and those have certainly been worthwhile and my favorite BRBA events.I look forward to attending many more of those conferences in the future.
BRBA: Are you involved with any other organizations or causes?
I currently volunteer as an assistant chapter advisor for the active chapter of Acacia Fraternity at LSU and also serve on the fraternity’s house corporation.
BRBA: What is the best piece of advice you have received?
In this profession, there is no substitute for ample preparation.
BRBA: What are your leisure activities?
I try to fit some form of exercise into my routine every day, and I use exercise as a way to decompress, reflect on the day, and look forward on the days ahead. I’ve also played guitar since I was eleven years old.While my free time to play guitar has been allocated elsewhere lately, I love playing music whenever I can.
BRBA: What is the last book that you read?
Admittedly, I’ve lost touch with recreational reading; but I do sometimes listen to audiobooks on my drive to and from work.The last audiobook that I listened to was “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki.
BRBA: Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I’ve attended thirty-three Dave Matthews concerts, including full band and acoustic shows.I “followed” the band a bit in my college years, but those attendances have slowed down since I entered the working world.
If you would like to contact Jacob, his email address is JacobAltmyer@wraylaw.com.
For more information or to comment on this this Member Spotlight feature, contact Landon Hester at landon@brba.org or 225-214-5560.